8 Nov, 2021 Food, Lifestyle, Travel East African Dreams Our Kenyan visas were expiring and we needed to move on. From our last stop and clearance out in Shimoni, we headed off on our shortest country... 3 2.41K 0
1 Jul, 2019 Indonesia, Life on land, Lifestyle, Travel Dragons, family and diving… welcome to Komodo! After a stunning 10 day stay at Pulau Jailamu, one of the more remote and wildly beautiful islands we have stopped at, we sailed onwards on our... 1 2.14K 0
24 Feb, 2019 Indonesia, Lifestyle, Nature, Travel Wayag, Raja Ampat. Paradise found…? How do you define a ‘Paradise’? Is it a feeling? The particular look of a place? Is it the people you are with, or the thing... 2 2.31K 0