9 May, 2019 Indonesia, Lifestyle, Travel A year afloat, some of the life lessons learned. Last week marked the 1 year anniversary of us throwing off the lines and setting sail. We left New Zealand on the 1st of May in a tumble of emo... 6 3.36K 2
22 Sep, 2018 Lifestyle, Sailing Vanuatu, Travel, Uncategorized A birthday and the Banks group. Espurito Santo was good to us. We had stunning weather and good friends to be with. Dinners together under star lit skies with gentle warm breezes blo... 0 2.91K 0
16 Aug, 2018 Lifestyle, Nature, Sailing Fiji, Sailing Vanuatu, Travel Diary of a Passage, #2. Fiji to Vanuatu. Day 1. Monday 30 July. After a mad day of rushing around trying to get last minute things done we threw off the lines to the... 1 1.82K 0