21 Mar, 2021 Lifestyle, Sailing in Kenya, Travel Karibu Kenya, you beautiful place, you! How do you describe a country that is so fantastic everyone should go to, at least once in their lives… How can I properly describ... 3 2.81K 0
25 Feb, 2021 Lifestyle, Nature, Travel Great friends and private islands in Seychelles Sometimes you just are in the right place at the right time, and sometimes you have family members who introduce you to the right people…... 2 3.11K 2
6 Nov, 2020 Lifestyle, Passage Making, Travel Conflicting emotions in picture perfect Chagos. Ahhhh, Chagos. All my life I will dream of Chagos. Most people do not even know where it is and to be honest neither did we, until we bought a ... 4 3.01K 0
14 Apr, 2020 Maldives, Passage Making, Travel Passage photo gallery, a different kind of diary. With so many words written about passages lately, and this one being a short and sweet 450NM (3 and a bit days) passage, I decided to ca... 5 2.58K 0
9 Mar, 2020 Passage Making, Travel Diary of a Passage. Phuket to Sri Lanka. Day 1 There was chaos until the moment we pulled up the anchor and slowly motored out of the wide-open bay of Kata Beach. I had s... 4 3.86K 1
13 Oct, 2019 Indonesia, Passage Making, Travel Diary of Passage. Bali to Singapore. Day 1. Finally, the day had come for us to leave filthy Serangan Harbour. It had been a stop of necessity, provisioning for the long leg... 4 3.55K 0
11 Aug, 2019 Indonesia, Life on land, Lifestyle, Travel How much can you fit into 10 days…? It’s been a busy old time on Waterhorse lately. After the consecutive visits from both lots of grandparents, Chae’s brother stopped ... 3 2.64K 0
9 May, 2019 Indonesia, Lifestyle, Travel A year afloat, some of the life lessons learned. Last week marked the 1 year anniversary of us throwing off the lines and setting sail. We left New Zealand on the 1st of May in a tumble of emo... 6 3.36K 2
23 Apr, 2019 Food, Indonesia, Life on land, Nature, Passage Making, Travel Spicy times in Banda. It was a week-long stop here for us at Banda, the Spice Islands. Islands steeped in some of the most brutal seafaring history and yet populated... 1 2.46K 0
24 Feb, 2019 Indonesia, Lifestyle, Nature, Travel Wayag, Raja Ampat. Paradise found…? How do you define a ‘Paradise’? Is it a feeling? The particular look of a place? Is it the people you are with, or the thing... 2 2.31K 0
12 Jan, 2019 Food, Indonesia, Lifestyle, Nature, Travel Magic in the night. Last night something magical happened. In a magical place that is more beautiful than I think my words can describe adequately. &... 2 2.62K 1
28 Dec, 2018 Life on land, Passage Making, Travel The Mortlock Islands, actual paradise found! Sometimes you stumble across a hidden gem, a paradise yet untouched by the rest of the world. Hidden in the middle of the ocean, its cultures a... 10 5.02K 4
3 Dec, 2018 Lifestyle, Nature, Sailing in Solomon Islands, Travel Watching hatching turtles while handling the heat. It was with great delight that my parents were on their way to visit again, dad having only gone home 2 weeks before, after flying up to play s... 1 2.01K 0
30 Aug, 2018 Food, Lifestyle, Nature, Sailing Vanuatu, Travel When family come to visit. Our boat is quiet tonight, it feels empty. My parents flew home this afternoon. They left from the small grassy strip that is the airfield on this sma... 2 5.38K 2